RVA Traffic School








  (804) 516 - 4674





About Us

RVA Traffic School was founded on the premise that an individuals driving habits focus on attitudes, and with these continuous changes in attitudes, a driver needs to minimize risks on the road by better managing Visibility, Time and Space behind the wheel.

As you'll see during this course, the art and science of driving continues to evolve. Some of yesterdays techniques are now obsolete, replaced by more advanced techniques. Driving on today's roadways can indeed be challenging. With more and more vehicles, congestion on the roadway is greater than ever before. The challenges to safe driving require drivers to pay all the more attention to the driving task.

Our eight (8)  hour, interactive classroom environment is designed and approved to award up to five (5) safe driving points (point reduction-reduce points) to persons who successfully complete the driver improvement class. RVA Traffic School is certified to accept students who have been referred to or elect to attend the program as the result of a single traffic offense.  These include: DMV Directed, Court Directed, Voluntary Election, Insurance Discount, and Premium Discount. 

We welcome you to RVA Traffic School! You’ve made the best choice in signing up for this course, whatever your reasons for attending. Remember, however skilled a driver you think you are, there are always opportunities to improve your performance, attitude, and risk while safely driving on the roads today. Our course has proven effectiveness in DMV's Safe driving standards.

Contact us today in Richmond, Virginia, to earn your DMV certificate.

"To Be the Best - Use the Best"

RVA Traffic School